Race Control
Race Control staff controls the event procedure and reacts to incidents if necessary. This applies to rule violations, but of course also to accidents or other dangerous situations.
At the Red Bull Ring, this monitoring is carried out by means of trackside cameras that can be swivelled 360 degrees and have a high-resolution zoom function – through that the race control team does not miss a single incident on the track and its surroundings.

Medical Car
The Medical Car is manned by an emergency physician and an emergency paramedic and is used to provide rapid medical care for drivers who have had an accident.
The Medical Car can follow the racing cars during the first lap and reach the scene of an accident quickly during a race without endangering other vehicles on the track. Due to its powerful engine, it is possible to avoid excessive speed differences.
Extrication Team
Extrication teams consist of a doctor and five paramedics with special equipment. The Team is capable of rescuing drivers who are unable to free themselves from vehicles involved in an accident. The team’s task is to extricate the driver out of the vehicle as gently as possible so not to cause any further injuries during this procedure.
After successful extrication of the driver, he is handed over to the medical car team for further treatment.

Ground Posts
The medical ground posts take care of the drivers immediately after an accident.
They follow the instructions of the Chief Medical Officer and thus ensure a fast and safe rescue of injured persons on the racetrack.
Medical Center
The Medical Center is the core of medical care for the entire Red Bull Ring circuit. The personnel and equipment capacities depend on the type of event and the expected number of spectators.
The Medical Center has a resuscitation area for the simultaneous treatment of two severely injured patients. In addition, several lightly injured patients can be treated simultaneously in the two treatment rooms.

Computed tomography
At major events, we have access to a mobile CT scan unit for the examination of injured drivers.
This allows for rapid confirmation or exclusion of suspected injuries and even more accurate diagnosis.
Emergency Helicopter
An emergency medical helicopter is stationed at the helipad in front of the Medical Center for the rapid transport of injured persons to hospitals during major events.

Race Control
Race Control staff controls the event procedure and reacts to incidents if necessary. This applies to rule violations, but of course also to accidents or other dangerous situations.
At the Red Bull Ring, this monitoring is carried out by means of trackside cameras that can be swivelled 360 degrees and have a high-resolution zoom function - through that the race control team does not miss a single incident on the track and its surroundings.

Medical Car
The Medical Car is manned by an emergency physician and an emergency paramedic and is used to provide rapid medical care for drivers who have had an accident.
he Medical Car can follow the racing cars during the first lap and reach the scene of an accident quickly during a race without endangering other vehicles on the track. Due to its powerful engine, it is possible to avoid excessive speed differences.

Extrication Team
Extrication teams consist of a doctor and five paramedics with special equipment. The Team is capable of rescuing drivers who are unable to free themselves from vehicles involved in an accident. The team’s task is to extricate the driver out of the vehicle as gently as possible so not to cause any further injuries during this procedure.
After successful extrication of the driver, he is handed over to the medical car team for further treatment.

Ground Posts
The medical ground posts take care of the drivers immediately after an accident.
They follow the instructions of the Chief Medical Officer and thus ensure a fast and safe rescue of injured persons on the racetrack.

Medical Center
The Medical Center is the core of medical care for the entire Red Bull Ring circuit. The personnel and equipment capacities depend on the type of event and the expected number of spectators.
The Medical Center has a resuscitation area for the simultaneous treatment of two severely injured patients. In addition, several lightly injured patients can be treated simultaneously in the two treatment rooms.

Computed tomography
Bei einigen Großveranstaltungen können wir für die Untersuchung verunfallter Rennfahrer auf ein mobiles CT-Gerät zurückgreifen.
At major events, we have access to a mobile CT scan unit for the examination of injured drivers. This allows for rapid confirmation or exclusion of suspected injuries and even more accurate diagnosis.

Emergency Helicopter
An emergency medical helicopter is stationed at the helipad in front of the Medical Center for the rapid transport of injured persons to hospitals during major events.